a cloudy happy friday special

behind every badge is a story

this badge ended up in the hands of a fully paid
up member of the cloud appreciation society
who came in to rose st. to check it all out.

well check out the cloud appreciation society!

 in appreciation of that

this badge,

so special

I've been collecting languages for a while at Rose St.
and waiting for the day when a signer and an artist
would come along to fill this gap.

Amazing amazing amazing.
The drawings are so beautiful.
Many thanks Liz
check her web site out

It's so precious that I haven't brought myself to paint
it over yet, but tomorrow is the deadline.

many no. fives.

and thanks to Lauren 
my market neighbor for liaising . 
Lauren has a totally delicious  

on view and up for contributions
Saturday and Sundays 
Rose st. market Fitzroy

mothers day special

7th of May 2010

everyone needs a lift.

for all the mothers.

buy this badge and get chocolate.

handcrafted original badge
recycled timber and paint
very good.
one special only

australia and the motherland only
available only to mothers and people with mothers.

happy mother's day